Moving to or From Indonesia Forwarder

Moving to or From Indonesia Forwarder, we are Freight forwarder Company base in Jakarta, Indonesia handling moving industry to Indonesia or from Indonesia to another country / world wide, we will distribute your materials door to door with sea cargo atend trucking (FCL).

Saat ini kami telah memiliki Forwarder agent hampir di setiap negara di dunia yaitu perusahaan yang sejenis dengan kami.

Yang berurusan dengan freight forwarder dan distribusi barang. Freight forwarder Indonesia yang mel

Moving to or From Indonesia Forwarder

Moving to or From Indonesia Forwarder

ayani export import barang dari dan ke seluruh dunia, dengan pengurusan yang komprehensif.

Seperti pengurusan export import barang dari A to Z serta mendistribusikannya ke alamat yang anda tentukan.

Di lengkapi dengan alat transportasi seperti Truck, wingbox, Container.

Maka kami yakin dapat melayani anda dengan baik dan cepat. Moving to or From Indonesia Forwarder akan mengirimkan barang anda ke tempat yang anda inginkan.

Selama proses pindah ini, anda akan kami jaga dan kami bantu dengan baik, dengan orang-orang yang berpengalaman.

Yang memahami seluk beluk proses pemindahan dan pengiriman yang baik.

Untuk menjamin keamaman barang anda selama proses pemindahan sebaiknya di asuransikan, hal ini bertujuan untuk menghindari resiko yang mungkin akan muncul.


  • When do I pay ?
    — A deposit will be required on confirmation of booking and the balance once the packing has been completed.
  • What items are prohibited for shipping ?
    —The following items cannot be accepted for shipping or storage:-
    Firearms, ammunition and explosives, hazardous items such as fireworks, toxic or poisonous substances ,swords, sabres, daggers, spears, switch blades, hatchets, items made from animals on the endangered species list (e.g. ivory), foodstuffs, plants, herbs & spices, dried flowers, bulbs, seeds, pine cones, pot pourri, soil, sand, straw & hay, unprocessed furs, skins and hunting trophies, alcohol, medicines & narcotic drugs, pornographic materials.
  • Can I pack myself ?
    — Yes, sometimes people choose to pack there own private possessions, we can supply you with all the necessary packing materials required to do so. We can tailor our own packing according to your specific needs.
  • What about my pets?
    —- We would be more than happy to recommend a specialist “Pet Moving” company we regularly work with to assist in moving your family pet.
  • Do we provide storage?
    –Yes, we can provide storage in the Indonesia before shipping your effects, or provide storage at your destination before delivery of your effects.
  • How we can file Insurance claims
    — If any loss, damage found at the time of delivery, please directly bring the notice of Supervisor conducting door delivery and immediately take the Photographs. Please ask the Supervisor sign the Inventory list with remarks. If Insurance did arrange by us, we will guide you for the next procedures.